Thursday, September 20, 2012

Successful Pinterest Dinner and Temporary Tattoos

If that title didn't have you clicking then I don't know what would. I've just been compiling all this random stuff I've been dying to tell you about and I've been so tired at night that finding the energy to study and blog hasn't happened but I've snuck away here for just a little bit to get it all down. Ok here it goes:

1. Pinterest Recipe - We all do it. We pin, and pin and pin some more with great ambitions of completing every project, making every recipe and dressing like rockstars. Well, little by little, I've actually done some of those projects (or A-Frame) with some success and I've started on the recipes. On Monday I made a crockpot recipe that I'm still in love with. I could seriously go downstairs and eat the leftovers right now. It was a balsamic chicken with whole wheat angel hair pasta. Holy cow!? To die for. I changed the recipe slightly to accommodate my family and my tastes but it was amazing. It is definitely going to be made again

2. Temporary Tattoos - I've been meaning to tell you about these for a while but before Hood to Coast, I had temporary tattoos made with my blog logo on it. I think they are pretty sweet. I probably should've gotten them bigger but for the first go-round, I'm happy with them. I will definitely be wearing one in the STL Rock'n Roll next month.  Don't you love my little model?  E wears it so well.  He is the original little running buddy.
Think you want one?  Leave me a comment letting me know you do and follow me on Facebook.  I'll pick a random number of people (depending on how many I can get out the door) and send some

3. Gym Routine - I decided to shake things up a bit at the gym last night. I made my own WOD and it ended up being pretty good. So good, in fact, I thought I'd share it. I call it "What time is it? Gym:30"

I would recommend addind some core work to this (maybe some planks) and resting just a little between each set.  Ok, go!

4. New Computer - I have been saving and saving for a new computer and now I'm torn on what to get. Well, actually, I'm probably not as torn as I think but I do want your input. I am really thinking about the MacBook Air but wondered if I'd miss any of the features of the MacBook Pro. If I get it this weekend I get the student price (since I am in school) and a little bonus.

Any thoughts?

5. Vacation Time - We are less than a month away from our Hawaiian vacation and I'm really excited to go but nervous about the flight with a 2 year old. I'm planning on bringing all kinds of things to try to keep him busy but I'm always on the lookout for good apps. Know of any? Is it weird to think about earphones for a kid (I'm going to look into it but I'm betting it's not a good idea)?


  1. Those tattoos are pretty sweet!

    and you're right. I've never made a single thing off my pinterest.

  2. The tattoos are cute!!! That recipe sounds so good! I'm going to have to stalk your pinterest boards and find it lol! Love your WOD...definitely pinning that one! And not sure what to tell you about the MacBook...except that I want one sooo bad!!! :-) Have a great weekend girl!

  3. Hi just started reading your blog but have been following you on twitter for a few mths. We have Sony child size headphones (as opposed to earphones) that we got at Walmart for about $15. Got them for my little man when he was almost 2 (for a long flight) and he still uses them with the iPad every day now that he's 3 1/2. They're Sony dynamic stereo headphone mdr-v150.

  4. Hi I just started reading your blog to get some insight on being a mom and staying fit and active throughout the upbringing of a child. I am recently engaged and thinking about parenthood but it scares me a little! I love the posts about fitness, but would love to hear more about your experience as a mom and how you handle all of your ups and downs. Since I get so much out of your blog I thought I'd share something I found the other day when I was nannying for my friend's 1 1/2 year old boy. He had a tantrum when I took away a toy he had been chewing on and I couldn't seem to calm him for OVER two hours! This is the advice I was told to use: I think it's great, but I'd love to hear your opinion and how you have handled those events. Stay awesome! I love your blog. :)

  5. Those tattoos look fun. LOL.

    As for the Air vs. Pro, it depends on what you'll use it for. If you are doign a lot of work in programs (design, video, etc) you'll want the power behind the pro. If you are using it for web, email, typical internet stuff, the air is the way to go. There are plenty of extrenal options for both, but the RAM may be the key factor. I have an iMac and LOVE it. It gives me the power and screen size I need. I use the iPad for most of my browsing and apps on the go.

  6. Any app by Toca Boca: Toca Kitchen, Toca Haircut, Toca House, Toca Tea party, Toca Monster, Toca Robot, Toca Train, Toca Band etc... My kids LOVE them... But just a warning - he'll likely need his own kid's sized earphones to go with it.

    Have fun in Hawaii! I went last year to Waikiki, Honlulu and had a blast! The zoo there is nto that expensive, and small enough to entertain a little one for a few hours.
