Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I miss running

I need to vent for a minute...

Recycled Pic from my last half
I'm not the fastest runner, I don't have the greatest endurance or form but being 29 Weeks pregnant (oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Doc moved up my Due Date by another week), running has been a thing of the past for weeks now. 

You would think after a few weeks without the urge to run would die down a little (like a bad habit) but I crave it.  Just like I crave everything else right now, escpecially green beans (I know, weird but whatever). 

Running represents more than mileage to me, although I do love watching the little odometer on my Nike plus app spin and spin after a good run. 

I know most of this stuff everyone knows and most of you probably have written a similar post which means you can probably relate in some way but I guess I'm just a little sad and frustrated so I'm feeling sappy.

The time I spend running is the time I usually think about...well everything.  I tend to come up with blog inspiration, to-do's, personal realizations and much more.  Some of the experiences I miss most are best explained in a post I wrote about my experience running my first leg of Hood to Coast.  This run is etched into my brain forever and if you read it you'll see why.  Link to post.

Getting pregnant for the second time, just like the first, has given people permission to provide unsolicited advice, and while I dont' usually mind, one thing I do mind is when someone tells me...

"You won't have time to run after the second is born"

To which I reply...

I'll ALWAYS find time to run. 

It's people like that I feel bad for.  They don't understand because they don't experience it but running is not just about pushing yourself physically or burning calories.  It's about learning who you are, and in some cases (like mine) healing. 

In the short time I've NOT been running I have realized just how important that time is and how much I need it.  No wait that's not a strong enough statement..I crave it.

Yes, unsolicited advice giver..there will always be time.  I will make time..I will do whatever it takes because that time is MY time. 

This is me soliciting comments/feedback...
Let's Connect:


  1. You will DEFINITELY be able to run after you have that baby! Don't let anyone tell you you can't run girl! The time will come soon...for now just try to enjoy growing that little miracle!

  2. I love weightlifting and no matter what, I will make the time for it :) It's my time!

  3. Agree 100%! If I miss a run, like this past Sunday with the freezing rain, I am one crabby mommy. We are contemplating a third, and my only thought is "we'll, ill probably just run more!" Running makes being a mom to 2 do able!

  4. I have 2 and I make time for it- ALWAYS. Lifting too. I am a better mommy when I work out- less stressed, more focused and present and feel better. My kids are growing up knowing the importance and "normalcy" of fitness- It is part of our daily lives- we talk about how important it is to take care of your body and put in the right foods so that we can be healthy and live long!! AND going running helps "get the wiggles out"- according to my kids ;) Just like kids need to run around, so do I! Keep on running girl! Running isn't at all about just calories or vanity or being in shape-- I agree with you - 100%. Its SOOOO much more and you need that time for YOU! You got this- slow or not- who cares. I went on a five mile run the day I went into labor with Finley and all of that running did WONDERS for me in natural delivery and recovery AND getting back to running again after baby! You are doing so great! WAy to go mama!

  5. I have two. There are plenty of options. I have an alarm clock that allows me to wake up before they do and run. I have a double jogging stroller and on nice days they love to go for a run with me and cheer me on to run faster! There's gyms with sitting, preschool days, nap times, treadmills. If you want it, there's a way.

  6. I totally get this Katie. While pregnant and then again while injured, I missed running like I never thought I would. Craved is a good way to describe (and I do right now since I feel like I haven't been able to get into a running groove since being cleared to run again). It's something that's important to you and I have no doubt that you will make time for it. I agree with Kim - running makes being a mom of 2 possible! It helps keep you sane!!

  7. I crave it when I can't do it too. If you love it, you'll make it happen. Some people don;t understand true passion, yet.

  8. You will have time, don't worry. You will make the time. I'm sure your hubby understands your need and will help you. I have twins, but my husband is so supportive in helping me have the time. Plus, you'll have naptime!

  9. I feel like there are several of us feeling this right now unfortunately. I started to realize I wasn't going to be a run all the way through my pregnancy girl early on but kept on running until the pain just got to be too much. I'm also at 29.5 weeks and it's like torture watching people run when mentally you're dying because you want it so bad. It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only woman feeling like my body failed me. I came into this pregnancy reading blogs of women that ran til the very end and completely believing I could do it. So vent away. I'm sure there are so many women relating. You'll run again, true runners that have the passion and love for the sport WILL make time. People who want to tell you can't are the people that aren't dedicated and are only jealous because they know you have what it takes.

  10. I ran until 34 wks the first pregnancy and about halfway with my second pregnancy (had to stop early because the old PF just isn't what it used to be!) Anyhow, it was tough when I finally gave it up, especially since other moms could run all through their 3rd and 4th and never have problems. I missed it terribly but at least I knew I'd get back to it again one day. I didn't listen to any of those moms who said I'd never have time. Maybe not right at the beginning, but I knew I'd find time. I also didn't listen to other moms who said I'd never have time for a shower ever again, never get to go out with friends again etc. It's all what you make it and I chose to include running, it took awhile before I was physically ready for it but it was well worth the wait! Anyhow, the point of my rambling is it's okay to vent, it sucks when you can't do what you want, we get it. That's the beauty of this blogging community. :o)

  11. There's less time for everything when you have another baby, but you will find time for the essentials -- eating, sleeping, running. :-) Really, it's about priorities. Also, some people who say you won't have time really may be making excuses for themselves ...

  12. I'm not pregnant (THANK GOODNESS -- Been there twice!) but I totally get what you're saying about running. While I am in no way close to being the fastest runner I enjoy the alone time, the mental break from my life and the feeling I get when I'm finished.

    I'm a winter weather baby and don't run in the cold. I hate the cold, snow, cloudy, dreary everything about winter and prefer to keep my workouts inside. I don't have a treadmill or a gym membership so running gets put on hold from November till March for me.

    But come March 1st I'll be back out there -- training for the RnR Full!

  13. Just like Nikki said, there will be naysayers in everything: you won't shower again, no more nights out, no more weekends away etc. etc. Your approach and frame of mind will dictate how your life is after having two kids. We just had our second in September and we have tried to keep as much the same as possible: I am running (I'm up to 21 miles a week now after time off due to pelvic floor problems); we still have date night once a week with no kids; and we just went away last week for a night alone at a B&B. Now we do have lovely willing family to help us do all these things, but we're asking them to be there, we are making the things we love (eachother, my running) a priority. We've had to get creative: like a giant box turned playhouse in the baseement to keep my 3yo occupied while I'm on the treadmill. And once the warm weather hits I've got a double stroller and we will be out all the time rain or shine. Make it happen. That's what mother runners do!

  14. Yes, you will make time. Sometimes it won't be as long as you want or might involve a double stroller or treadmill, but yes, you will make time. And the kids won't be babies forever. It seems like only yesterday my younger child was napping on the bed next to the treadmill while I ran as fast as I could to get in as many miles as possible. Now he's 7 and I ran 10 miles on the 'mill the other day while he and his brother played computer games...

  15. I am so in the same boat. I actually stopped running when I got pregnant and have been swimming and working on the elliptical. I just knew that I would have a hard time slowing my pace down, keeping my body temp down and also my heart rate. And I MISS it! When a song from my running playlist comes on the radio, it makes me want to cry. But I am trying to turn my emotions now into a strong resolve that I will get back out there after this baby arrives in June!

  16. Love your response to the comment you won't have time. I have already started hearing that from other mommies, but it is all about priorities, and running/exercise is such a priority to me!

    Also, so jealous of your H2C. Last year my Portland friend was having a baby, and this year I am. But I already have it on my outlook calendar for later this year: FIND OUT WHEN APPS ARE DUE FOR H2C 2014! =)

  17. Yep, I'm SOOOO feeling you right now. Except I'm the one doubting myself when it comes to running again or rather I'm thinking about how hard it is to start over again. Still, I miss it and all I WANT to do right now is run!

    I didn't discover running until after my first two were born, so whoever told you that you won't have time is a liar! Of course there's time. Unwanted advice givers can suck it :)

  18. I HATE it when people say, "You won't have time to run when..." Someone just said to me a few weeks ago that I wouldn't have time to run once my kids were older and they were in activities. There is ALWAYS time. Geez, who can't spare 30-45 min. a day?

  19. I know you miss running, but you're doing far more important work. Running will always be there, but think about what you're doing, it's such miracle. I know these words don't make it any easier, but remember being pregers it not unlike running a marathon, you may have hit the wall right now, but think about the feeling you will have crossing that finish line. Hang in there, LU beautiful girl!

  20. You are totally going to have time to run because you want time to run. Everyone said the same thing to me before my little guy was born last April and I find time to exercise every day. I don't know what it's like with two (i'm sure i'll be there soon) but I know that won't stop me from finding the time. You'll be running again before you know it and I was in your shoes last year. I had my boy on April 20th, was running by Memorial Day and spent the whole summer with him in the BOB outside. Perfect time of year :)
