Saturday, February 2, 2013

Appreciating Pregnancy

Just for fun, when I was pregnant with E, I was committed to reading the "what to expect" book and after a while I started to see the trend in comparing his development to fruits and veggies. 

So waaayy back then I created this fun little graphic to help illustrate the month to month development.  It wasn't this pretty back then (and not saying it's beautiful now) but it's fun to go back and look.

Fetal Development

It's so much fun to go back and read posts from my first pregnancy.  It really helps me appreciate and see just how much life has changed in a couple years. More importantly how much I've changed.

Here are some of my favorite posts from back then:

Reading these posts again reminded me just how special this time really is. 

Even IF I am uncomfortable. 
Even IF I miss running, and wine and sleeping on my back (the list goes on)...

What is/was your favorite part about being pregnant?


  1. For the most part I am not a fan of being pregnant. That being said there are a few things that are really special, like feeling them move inside you for the first time. I also love that I'm never alone. I traveled to Singapore when I was five months pregnant with Jack. We had an unplanned overnight layover in Tokyo (thank you delayed flight). I was a little stressed but kept saying "It's you and me Jack. we'll get through this together." And now I talk to him about how he is a world traveler and we have been to Tokyo and Singapore, just me and him. It was our special trip:)

  2. I'm with Sarah--I wasn't a huge fan of pregnancy either. BUT you're right, it is just so so amazing, when you stop to think about what's actually happening. I used to love the kicks, and now I can barely remember what they felt like.

    But missing wine...ohhh yeah...

  3. I LOVED being pregnant. I most liked feeling the baby move.

  4. I hated being pregnant...and I don't have many fond memories. But looking back, I did love feeling and seeing my baby move. Such an amazing thing to witness, especially now that my baby is almost one and walking around.

  5. Love the picture comparing the size of the baby to food! My favorite part of being pregnant was knowing that I another life, or two, was growing inside of me and that we'd never be that close again, it really is a miracle. Day to day there were times when I was like "get this over with, when are they coming out?" but looking back it goes by in an instant.

  6. I was the worst pregnant person ever for the first two. I hated every minute of it. But with Zane (ten years after my second baby). I tried harder to appreciate the moments. I am so glad that I did. With Zane I loved feeling when he got the hiccups and he got them a lot.

  7. I didn't love being pregnant at all but your Pins and Needles post had me laughing. I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond 2 days overdue and everyone looked at me like I was going to pop. The manager opened a special line for me to do my return and the people at Nordstrom gave me a free salad. They either felt sorry for me or thought I would give birth in their store. hahaha

  8. I pretty much loved being pregnant, except the very last few weeks. My favorite part was feeling the baby move - kick, hiccup, poke.
