Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hopelessy Devoted...

When K9 Advantix II asked me what it means to be a devoted dog owner, one word came to mind…


That's what we pet parents call our beloved dogs and cats. I have talked about Zoey a few times in the past. She was my first baby. She was supposed to be a foster dog but the second I picked her up and she jumped in my passenger seat as if to say…"let's go home mom", I knew this wasn't a temporary arrangement. My hunch was even more solidified when Zoey met my then boyfriend, now husband. You would've thought they had been together since childhood. They just clicked.

When the kids came around, I couldn't believe how maternal she became. She's an older dog so I thought maybe she was past that stage in her life but I was wrong. She would sleep next to E's crib when we were in the old house and even now, every night when I rock MiniE, there she is..waiting to help or just cuddle.

The bond we each have with Zoey is different yet so special. S is the primary dog walker. They love their time together late at night. Zoey and I have bonded in the kitchen…turns out we both freak for green beans. J I think any dog parent would say this but she's always there…ready to love, protect and play and there's a comfort in that which I just can't properly do justice. Pet parents get it. The house would feel so empty without her. I do and always will care for her as if she were one of my babies on two feet. K9 Advantix II wants you to keep them in mind when you think about protecting your furbabies. K9 Advantix II provides superior and safe parasite protection. Check out more on their site. I promise, clicking that link will lead to adorable puppy photos and important dog care info…


The bond between you and your dog is a special one, and you’ll go to great lengths to keep your furry family member safe and healthy. K9 Advantix® II is a once-a-month topical application for dogs and puppies that REPELS and kills ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Visit http://petparents.com/products to learn more.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of K9 Advantix® II. The opinions and text are all mine.

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