Sunday, August 24, 2014

Loving...Not Loving..

It's time for another episode of Loving...Not Loving.  So much to talk about.

Loving..down time with my kids...
Not Loving...being used as a chair every time I sit down.

Love..the wireless functionality of the Jaybird ear buds I bought
Not Loving..that the in-ear buds, even the small tips are too big for me ears.  Guess I'm just not a fan of in-ear buds.

Loving...Summer.  I'm definitely not ready for fall yet.  I'm going to soak up every last minute of summer.
Not Loving...the 100+ degree days we've had lately but an impromptu yogurt run and train spotting will make up for it!

Loving...that I found my grove again.  Running, working out, you name it, I want to do it! And that Organic Valley makes an awesome Organic Milk Protein Shake.
Not Loving...not having enough time to do everything I want.  Working and parenting means constantly making decisions and something gets left out.  Sadly, recently that's been my workout time.  I REALLY  REALLY need to get my but up in the AM.  I guess that means I need to get to bed before 11.

Loving...Mondays...It's a fresh start.
Not Loving... Mondays...means going back to work.

So it's back to the grind.  Work, play and babies...yep, that's my plan.

What does your week have in store for you?


  1. I have a really hard time finding ear buds that fit too. I'm loving that it's going to be a short work week b/c I'm heading to Boston Thursday but I'm not loving the idea of flying or having to pack.

  2. Great post idea, this sounds like a lot of fun! Glad you are getting the motivation back, I am sure you will find a way to make time, as the motivation part is the thing you cannot force, so if you have that, you will find a way! Have a great week!

  3. loving summer and not loving that school starts next week. I could use another week or two.
    Confessions of A Mother Runner

  4. I'm with you on loving summer! I like fall but I'm not ready for cooler weather yet.
