Tuesday, October 21, 2014

More National Stroller Running Day Fun

So last week I introduced you to National Stroller Running Day!  A day I'm super excited to be hosting with BOB Strollers, Fit4Mom, New Balance and other great sponsors! 

The event is November 8th but there is so much more going on and more ways for you to win!

On November 4th, Pregnancy Awareness will host a Twitter Party from 9:00 - 10:00 pm EST.  You can participate and talk all things health, fitness and family by following @PregAwareness and the hashtag #StrollerRun14.  The hope is that we will build our community of like minded fitness families and maybe even make a few new friends!  Some of the special guests joining us for the twitter chat include:
As if that weren't enough, every 15 minutes of the chat, there will be HUGE giveaways, I'm talking BOB strollers, Stroller Stride classes and accessories!  You won't want to miss it!

I know lots of you have shared the message of National Stroller Running Day so I wanted to get a link up going...we want to see your posts!  We want to share your posts!  So add your link!

Be on the look out for more fun as we get closer to November 8th!


  1. Fun! Will be sharing the info with our MRTT group
    Confessions of a Mother Runner

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So excited that you are doing this!Now here is a question for you...what if I don't have a baby or a stroller? Can I still run? Shall I adopt a baby for the day!?

  4. So exciting! I am happy to share and participate! :)

  5. Is the chat at 8 or 9pm EST? This post says 9, but your earlier post says 8. Thanks!
