Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

Do you remember that book?  It was one of my favorites as a kid.  I loved the idea that behind the a non-descript looking door was a world so different than the world around them.  On my run today, I realized that as a blogger, I feel a lot like that.
(Can you spot my photoshop skills? - or lack there of)

Now don't get me wrong, I love my life but I also love know that my phone, computer and iPad are gateways to this amazing world where fitness rules, people are nothing but supportive and inspirational and companies are in it for more than just the bottom line. 

I consider you friends.  Yes, I know, we've never met but does that really matter?  We talk everyday, and sometimes multiple times.  And you've supported me through what has been the most difficult thing I've ever gone through and continue to deal with.

Now, there are times when these two worlds collide and when they do, I have to say that the result is just as amazing as expected.  For example, I've been able to turn virtual friends into real friends earlier this year  when I met:
I consider these girls friends and am so thankful that we've had the opportunity to meet.

That's why I'm so excited about next month's Hood to Coast.  Nuun, an amazing company that not only sells a great product but has an immense passion for the people that drink Nuun, is bringing over 30 amazing women together to do something we love..Running.

Not only is this going to be like any other experience I've ever had but I'll get to open the door to the wardrobe a little wider and let these women into my life a little bit more.

If you're a blog reader, my advice...get involved...comment, engage, talk.  Hopefully you know blogging is more than just writing an article, it's about connecting which is the reason I do it.

Have you ever had the chance to meet your favorite bloggers?  If you could meet anyone who would you like to meet? 


  1. I LOVE when I get a chance to bloggermeetup as it entirely changes the way I read their posts tweets etc.
    everything becomes in their real voice with their intonations etc.


  2. great paralel! I love lion witch and wardrobe! I feel like its a grea,t alternate universe of bloggers!

  3. I've only met a couple online bloggers and FFA but what amazing experiences! I want to meet you all!!

    1. And of course, I want to meet the famous Banana BB... I feel like her energy would be through the roof!

  4. I recently had my first blogger meetup. It was awesome! This weekend is another where I'm doing Color Me Rad with Team FitFluential. The one thing about meeting bloggers in real life, is that there is no awkward first meeting since you feel like you know each other already!

    BTW - very jealous of Hood to Coast! :)

  5. I love the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe! I've read the whole series so many times, even as an adult.

    I've not met other bloggers (yet), but I'd love to meet Heidi@BananaBuzzbomb, because she's vegan and I love her. Now she's moving closer, so maybe...

    I'd also like to meet Mizfit and Heather Grand, and Fizzgig from one of the best named blogs out there: "It's all about me. Deal with it!"

  6. I loved that book and love how you have used the comparison here. It is pretty amazing to meet fellow bloggers in real life. Then I know that it wasn't all just in my little head :-) You are going to have an amazing time at Hood to Coast!! Very jealous!

  7. I was just talking to one of the girls at work about this today. At first she thought it was strange me meeting people who I've only talked to online but I explained to her how often we talk and how it's not weird at all. It's like you instantly connect with your blogging buddies and twitter friends right away and I love that! So glad I got to meet you, and hopefully we'll be running another race together soon!

  8. Interesting analagy! I agree it's almost like the internet opens the door to a whole other world!
