Friday, December 6, 2013

Heart of the Matter

I have a confession to make, I cheated on MAF this week.  On Wednesday (when it was 70 here), I took off down the trail without watching my heart rate.  It was freeing but it didn't come without strings attached, or at least chords.

Confused?  Let's back up...
The whole reason I started MAF training is because my heart and legs weren't on the same page with the speed I wanted to run.  My legs were liking the faster paces but my heart refused to let me do that for any prolonged amount of time.

I was frustrated and a little nervous to be honest.  I've never had any real heart issues to speak of but I come from a family of heart issues and I just started to wonder.  Maybe I need to do some focused training, so I started MAF.  After a little over a month, I hadn't seen any changes really and what I did see was a heart that seemed a little confused.

So I talked to a girlfriend of mine which led me to a cardiologist friend of mine which landed me visiting a cardio doc earlier this week.  A quick EKG later showed that there was some irregularity that needed further investigation.  So I left Hooked up to a hospital issued heart rate monitor for 24 hours.  Doc told me to do all my normal activities and even to run without constraint.  Just run.  So I did and it was fabulous.  

After the 24 hours were up, I was back at the hospital for some more testing.  Stress test and Echocardiogram.  I fully expected to just walk right in there and crush that stress test, no questions asked but for some reason, the site of the treadmill invoked a mix of emotions.  Starting with some not so pleasant ones of my dad.  I could feel my heart racing and tears welling up.  I won't go into details but my dad passed almost two years ago of a heart attack and it is all still very real in my head.  I had to get passed it so I could get through these tests.

Luckily, the stress test showed no irregularities but I'm not out of the woods quite yet.  I still have some blood work to do to test for Anemia, Cholesterol and Thyroid.

And to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about all this.  I want to know I'm perfectly healthy for so many reasons but hearing that also comes with the realization that I just might not be able to make improvements.  I might just be the way I am which is hard to swallow.

I have goals, as lofty as they are, of PRs far beyond where I am now but I still thought were attainable.  Based on how these tests come back, I might have to come to grips with the fact that they just might never happen.

Then what?  How do I set goals when I don't have control over the limitations that keep from achieving?  

Don't forget while you're here to register for my SUPER HUGE giveaway!  Check it out here.


  1. While I'm sure that everything will come back normal, it is still smart of you to follow up and make sure. As you were talking about your feelings welling up, I could totally relate. My dad died of a heart attack, and even though it was over 25 years ago, I still can get emotional about it. Take care of yourself.

    1. No matter how much time goes by, the feelings remain. :) Thanks Debbie!

  2. Oh my gosh, you try to take care of yourself because you know your family history, but sometimes that just makes things worse, doesn't it? It sounds like you are being very proactive, and maybe you might have to adjust your goals a bit, but that doesn't mean abandoning your dreams. Hang in there, Katie!

  3. I think it's most important right now to find out what's going on. Your dreams are temporarily on hold. It doesn't mean that they are completely out at this point! Taking care of yourself is so much more important.

  4. I went through a similar situation a few years back. For me it came to two things - magnesium intake and my thyroid. But neither is holding me back. And this won't hold you back either. Keep fighting, keep asking questions.

    1. I keep wondering if its thyroid or something, glad to hear it's not changed your plans.

  5. it's okay to be nervous or anxious about all this. It's all uncertain right now, but you will figure it out! one day at a time. And you are making an effort for your health! that's important.

  6. Not sure if you remember but I went thru this exact thing last summer. Failed holter monitor, nuclear stress test, horrific cardiac issues w/my dad and his sibs. Mine came down to thyroid and the hormones of middle age. I know it's scary but knowledge is power. The testing will tell you exactly what's going on (or not) with your heart. Hang in there.

    1. I do remember! Thyroid again. Thanks Marcia!

  7. I agree with Jennifer - on hold is all. And you might just have to readjust them depending on the results. I had a blood clot last year the put everything on hold, but during the recovery process, I found a lot of strength and resilience I didn't know I had.

  8. I think that it's smart that you are getting this checked out and following up. And that's what's most important. It is scary and normal to be anxious when you aren't sure what's going on. And I agree with Jennifer and Heather in that your dreams are just on hold right now and it doesn't mean that you can't fulfill them. And I think that you will find out that you are a lot stronger than you may think you are. xox

    1. Thanks Christine. I'll be curious to see what's, if anything, is going on.

  9. Katie, you are doing all the right things, as scary as it is. It's better to know and get things figured out now, than to have Something happen out of the blue. You are strong, you'll get back to it, just listen to your doctors and your body :)

  10. You are being very smart in not ignoring your symptoms and getting it checked out. It's definitely scary but being proactive is the best thing to do. I agree with everyone else - your dreams are just on hold right now. I have worked with tons of people who have had heart issues yet are still able to crush distances, PRs and continue on with their active lives. Stay strong, girl!

  11. I'm glad you're getting everything checked out just to be sure. Fingers crossed for good news!

  12. Katie, don't let the numbers and results be what defines you. No matter what it says you will always have places to grow and challenge limits. There are many athletes and everyday runners who are achieving their goals while overcoming health issues that limit them every day. I have no doubt you would do the same. I will keep you in my prayers because if you are anything like me there is no statistic that could ever make me feel any better. It will be time that tells! If you are still able to run you still have something many don't. I know all this is so much easier said than done but I know you will persevere. I hope your test results come back showing nothings wrong and you can get back to training soon. You are young and strong and you have a lot left in you. If you ever need an ear to listen let me know.

  13. Glad to hear you are getting things checked out -- I know it can be scary when you aren't really sure what's going on and aren't feeling quite right. I hope you get some positive responses. Stay strong!

  14. Oh Katie, this must be so scary for you, I'm sorry. It sounds like you're doing all the right things by getting tests down and taking precautions - I'm sure it will all be okay. Positive thoughts coming your way.
