Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Risk Reward Debate

This post could very easily go in a direction I didn't intend but I figured I woulds give it a shot.  First, I'm tired.  I'm not complaining, this is self-inflicted and it's all exciting, but it is leaving me a little worn down.  I'm thinking I might be taking a bloggy-vacation around the holidays.

Anyway, back to what I really wanted to say...

One of the things I always admired about my dad but could never really understand was his attraction to risk.  He loved to jump in to the unknown if he felt the reward was bigger than the risk and in most cases, his hunch was right but I watched him struggle at times, I saw the toll it took and I could never really justify to myself why he would put himself through it.

I don't know why, maybe it's because my 35th birthday is just days away, but I've come around to the idea and have even started to take some "safe risks" if that's even possible and so far, they've turned out well.

Take, for example, National Stroller Running Day.  It was an idea I had a couple months ago but I felt very strongly in the idea of really building up the community around something we all do so often but didn't know if it would "fly".  After a little preparation and discussion, things started to move and momentum came with it.  I was extremely nervous that there wouldn't be a desire for such a day and that it would be a flop but luckily, at this point, I am extremely happy with what it's become and what it has done for the community we all belong too.  There is so much more it can be, so much more good it could provide so next year we will start planning early with a goal of really seeing the day help our little running buddies in need.

I've started to take risks in other areas of my life too (well my husband and I have) and I know my dad would be excited but I'm a nervous wreck but I guess I've just started to really grasp is that life is too short to wonder "what if.." 

What if we didn't try?  

What I've realized is that the thought of not knowing what could have happened weighs on me more than the risk, which is a complete paradigm shift. 

I've got big goals and big dreams both in my running life and beyond.  I've been knocked down a lot but all that has only made me stronger and wiser.  I understand my limitations and how to break through them.  

Why am I telling you this?  Maybe somewhere in all this rambling is a reminder that you have to or should take a risk every now and then.  Go into it eyes wide open and feet running hard.  You'll never know unless you try. 

Are you a risk taker?  What risk would you take if it were "safe"?


  1. This post is quite timely. I'm at a crossroads of where I want my professional career to go. I could stick with my old ways or move onto a whole new area, starting fresh with no safety net. I'm leaning toward the risk. I'm not happy where I'm at currently. Maybe a risk is what I need rather than wondering what if?

  2. I SOOO USED TO BE----prechild.
    now Im not. At all.

  3. Taking risks sometimes is fun! Good luck with your new adventures

  4. I think that I fall somewhere in the middle which is farther towards the risk side than when I was younger. I don't want to wonder what it. I'm so excited about what you were able to create with National Stroller Running Day and hope that the other risks pay off.
